Contact Us
Triad Measuring
Triad Measuring
4934 Stonington Road
4934 Stonington Road
Winston Salem, NC 27103
Winston Salem, NC 27103
Phone or Text: 336-416-0236
Phone or Text: 336-416-0236
Brian Davidson
Brian Davidson
Triad Measuring
Davidson & Associates
NC Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, NC A3563
NC Real Estate Broker, NC 118524
Home Measurement Specialist ®
Consumers can be negatively impacted by incorrect square footages reported for their property. Brokers sell real estate and some are not proficient with a tape measure or calculating square footages. That is where we help. Triad Measuring measures hundreds of houses a year. We support our conclusions with the use of state of the art equipment and 35 years experience working in the real estate appraisal industry.
Schedule with us.
We will be happy to give you a hand and a sketch.